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One False Move (1999)

One False Move (1999)

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4.04 of 5 Votes: 1
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0440225442 (ISBN13: 9780440225447)
dell publishing company

About book One False Move (1999)

Myron Bolitar est recruté pour veiller sur l'étoile montante du basketball féminin, la ravissante Brenda Slaughter. « Du miel tiède sur des pancakes du dimanche. » Excusez du peu ! L'entourage de la sportive soupçonne son père de vouloir ruiner sa carrière, or ce dernier est porté disparu. Myron ne cache pas sa perplexité, puisqu'il a connu Horace durant ses jeunes années et ne conçoit pas une once de duplicité chez lui.Brenda, aussi belle que farouche, semble soutenir la thèse de Myron. Mais ce n'est pas tout, le couple devient inséparable et noue une connivence très forte, d'autant plus que notre agent voit sa dulcinée prendre le large et considérer leur avenir d'un autre œil. Myron, confronté à son destin ! ... Il était temps, ai-je envie de souffler.Avec le recul, je me rends compte que cette histoire m'a davantage séduite, en dépit des petits travers linguistiques de l'auteur (qui me font sourire plutôt que froncer les sourcils). C'est de bonne guerre, la série Myron Bolitar jure complètement sur la crédibilité mais divertit tant et si bien le lecteur qu'il ne tient nullement rigueur aux facilités récurrentes (toujours les mêmes ficelles et de sacrées répliques doucereuses).L'histoire inspire aussi beaucoup de compassion, l'enquête décèle une part sombre et cruelle qui n'est pas sans charme. Contre toute attente, ce cinquième tome aura su me toucher plus que de coutume !

I picked this audio book up at the library because I am a new fan of Coben's. I didn't realize that this particular book is the fifth installment of the Myron Bolitar series. And I was already several chapters in before I realized it. It didn't seem to matter and it functions fine as a stand-alone novel (the only drawback being that I now know things that have happened in previous books).I like Myron. His character is drawn pretty well and I laughed out loud several times at his sense of humor. I am not sure how I feel about his buddy Win. I definitely don't agree with Win's lack of conscience, but I did appreciate the fact that he, at more than one instance, pointed out flaws in Myron's logic that needed to be addressed.I'm giving this book four stars for two reasons: 1) making me laugh and 2) managing to surprise me more than once.Audio Review: I would probably give the audio version 2.5 stars. If the same dude reads the other Myron Bolitar books, I would not choose to listen. He was okay, but his manner of speaking didn't seem to fit Myron. He read in an almost bored tone that got on my nerves. I mentioned that I laughed many times, but I think I would have found it more amusing if this guy hadn't been narrating.

Do You like book One False Move (1999)?

With One False Move, Harlan Coben crafts yet another fine Myron Bolitar with a wonderful mystery full of nifty twists and turns. Okay, along the way, we already know how one small part of the mystery is going to play out-- still-- Coben manages to keep it fresh and moving forward with his cast of characters.Myron's wit is probably the best part of these novels. He always has something funny to say in the face of danger-- and sometimes even asks himself, as a person would do, "Why did I say that?"He is challenged to make commitments, He is challenged to avoid conflict.. and this time around, once more, he faces a group of really awful people-- who are truly a dangerous threat-- nasty killers... The cool thing is that the confrontations with Myron and the bad guys aren't like a lot of the stupid manifestations of masculinity we see in a lot of thrillers today. There is not a moment when Myron actually looks into someone's eyes and threatens to kill.. Myron is a completely different type of guy.. tough, deadly, but without the bluster.. he spends his time trying to be quick talking and funny...This one is another Coben novel that the reader will not be disappointed in. Okay, this one misses some of the cool television or comic book trivia that Coben likes to toss about in dialogue between Myron and Win.. but still.. a very good read. thrilling and full of interesting twists and turns.

8/10A solid entry into the Harlan Coben/Myron Bolitar series, without ever truly excelling. I’ve read quite a lot of Harlan Coben’s work now but the last standalone novel I read, “Hold Tight”, just tipped the scales for me and went into the realms of stupidity and a sense of deja vu to some of his other works. I was less than impressed with that book and decided I needed to leave the author alone for some time. That was a couple of years ago and I felt it was time to read another of his entertaining Myron Bolitar series as this was a step back into comfortable shoes as I knew the characters already and liked the style. The characters of Myron and Win are entertaining enough to take a long winded crime story and make it entertaining. There was nothing new in the plot that made me curious but the style in which it was delivered made it a fun read. I enjoyed the internal monologue Myron ran throughout to provide a humorous critique on things he was doing/seeing. A similar style to that I recently enjoyed with Jim Butcher and “Storm Front” but more Sports Agent than Wizard for Hire.A good read and entertaining for the short time it took to read, it won’t leave you blown away but at the same time it won’t disappoint. I hope there are a few more gems in this series yet to come. If you like this try: “The Bone Collector” by Jeffery Deaver

Norm Zuckerman asks Myron Bolitar to be a bodyguard to star basketball player Brenda Slaughter. Brenda's father Horace, a mentor to Myron when he was a kid, has disappeared. Brenda has been receiving threatening calls and is being followed. One caller told her to contact her mother. That's not easy to do since her mother disappeared when she was a child. When Myron starts investigating Horace Slaughter's disappearance and the 20 year old disappearance of Anita Slaughter, he finds there are many people who don't want the truth to come out.This is the fifth Myron Bolitar mystery. It has a more serious tone than the previous books in the series. Myron starts rethinking his personal life with Jessica. It doesn't help their relationship when right away Myron and Brenda are striking sparks off of each other. He is also given an ultimatum from Esperanza...make her a partner in MB Sports or she walks. The mystery is very well written. Some things that are just mentioned in passing turn out to be big clues. My rating: 5 Stars.

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