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Pelagia And The Black Monk (2007)

Pelagia and the Black Monk (2007)

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0297850865 (ISBN13: 9780297850861)
weidenfeld & nicolson

About book Pelagia And The Black Monk (2007)

For people tired of the quick-cut-styled screen-written books by "New York Times Best Selling Authors" (which I am not sure is a praise anymore), Akunin offers a fresh breath of air with his innovative story-telling yet again. Half the book is in reported speech, filled with letters and notes, which surprisingly does nothing to let up on the pace. A sleek mystery, spiced with the supernatural, with a number of pop-cultural references (from the 19th century), an interesting array of characters (as in every other Akunin novel), a gripping finale and a fitting prologue - Akunin's second mystery in this series doesn't hold back any punches.One issue I've seen people have with this book is that it has a number of sub-plots that are unnecessary and I beg to disagree. Without revealing a number of plot twists, each sub-plot spins a different narrative showing the endless vagaries of the human psyche and adds a rich dose of suspense to the book in itself. No character is added without value, and no character is jettisoned without having his/her purpose met. It is for this very reason the Pelagia series might not make for a good movie series.Here is hoping Akunin picks up the pace on the Pelagia series and belts out a few more.

Увлекательнейший детективный роман. Впрочем, как практически каждый, вышедший из-под пера Б.Акунина. Неординарный сюжет, лихо закрученная интрига. На протяжении всего чтения думаешь и гадаешь-наверное, этот злодей.., хотя нет, не он, а она..или не она? Нет, точно, угадала, так вот кто убивец-злодеятель! И все равно ошибаешься. У Акунина злодей чаще всего именно тот, кого заподозрить можно в последнюю очередь. И ведь как складно все выходит-не подкопаешься. И раньше времени удовольствия от интригующего чтива не лишишься. А еще привлекает сам язык, построение фраз-все образно, точно, "в стиле" происходящего. Очень и очень приятственная книжица:)

Do You like book Pelagia And The Black Monk (2007)?

Overall, a witty & erudite book, crammed full of literary allusions andenough plot twists and turns to make you dizzy! Bishop Mitrofanii is a priceless creation and sister Pelagia is easily in that rarified league of amateur superstar sleuths, some of whose other members are Miss Jane Marple, Brother Cadfael, Sister Agatha and Father Brown.In THE BLACK MONK, Pelagia goes in disguise to a remote monastic island to discover the truth behind reports of hauntings and a curse. With her usual aplomb and sagacity, disguissed as usual beneath a facade of bumbling distractedness, she does. I'd give this one four stars, but to me it seemed as if somewhere about 3/4 of the way through, Akunin wanted to wrap it up and get it done with and the believability suffered, in my mind at least. Having said that, I would still recommend the book. This is a minor caveat,easily overlooked; but four stars is edging close to flawlessness.

This second book in the Sister Pelagia series is a captivating mystery that kept me engaged to the very end, which was not at all what I had come to expect from the development of the story. I appreciate that Akunin has created a female protagonist who is intelligent and humble. For someone from a male-dominated society I think that is a particularly positive achievement. I hope that Akunin will write more Sister Pelagia tales. I would like to read them in Russian some day. I would agree with those who have also read the Fandorin novels that Pelagia is an even more interesting and likable character, a true heroine.

Hmmm. A different kind of mystery from the Russian author Boris Akunin, the pseudonym chosen deliberately to mimic Bakunin from the Revoluntionary Days. It is somewhat fantastical, but not the magical realism of the South American authors. I found that keeping track of all the characters with their varying Russian names a bit confusing. Alexi Stepanovich is sometimes called by that name, sometimes Aloshya, and sometimes Lentochkin, his last name. Of combinations of the above. And then the main character, Sister Pelagia is also Mrs. Lisitsnya, and sometimes even masquerading as a male novice monk! She becomes he then. Even though this is about a colony of monks there is not too much religion in it. There is also a psychiatric compound with crazy people in it. But I did not guess 'who dun it' and remained interested until the end. I will look forward to the discussion at the mystery book group.

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