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Racing In The Rain: My Life As A Dog (2011)

Racing in the Rain: My Life as a Dog (2011)

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4.3 of 5 Votes: 5
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0062015761 (ISBN13: 9780062015761)

About book Racing In The Rain: My Life As A Dog (2011)

Pretty good--not gripping by any means, but good enough that I finished it quickly and enjoyed it. This is the "special adaptation" for younger readers (I got this from my 11 year old's bookshelf), which I didn't actually realize until well into the book. I'm not feeling like rape charges and sex scenes in the adult book will turn this book into a stellar win, so I'll call it a wrap with the "young readers" version. Denny wants to become a champion racecar driver and his unusual dog, Enzo, loves to race cars instead of chase them. Denny’s daughter Zoe is Enzo’s constant companion and supports the two in their journey. This book is very interesting because it shows the relationship between a dog and a man. Also the book is told from the perspective of the dog. The major theme is how the man is a dog’s best friend. This story affected me by showing how my dog is a big part of my life and my family. Another theme in this book is dealing with personal losses. The writing style is very interesting because Enzo brings up racing history a lot in his story. For example when a car hits Enzo he relates it to the racer Ayrton Senna, who was in a similar situation. Garth Stein did a very good job in portraying Enzo. I would compare his writing to Little Stuart in the way that they both really understand animals.I recommend this book to any one that like the relationship between dogs and how they help you in life.

Do You like book Racing In The Rain: My Life As A Dog (2011)?

It's a fantastic book, a little sad at some points but it was great

Read this with my daughter. We both loved the dog's perspective.

I love the book but it was so sad when Enzo died

Very enjoyable book to read.

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