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Slow Burn (2006)

Slow Burn (2006)

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0345453859 (ISBN13: 9780345453853)

About book Slow Burn (2006)

I am so glad this one end up to my liking. Dylan Buchanan a Boston based cop who was on a mend from being shot in the line of duty was sent by his sister Jordan to her best friend Kate MacKenna, insisting that she look into the dangerous situations that Kate seems to be in. Kate has been having a real bad week after being almost blown up twice and then run down by a car. Although thanks to wonderbra she escaped death the first time that was morbidly hilarious. Daylan and Kate have a long history already and have known each other for years but there has been some kind of attraction between them beneath the surface and it just took them a long time to realize that they are falling for each other. Dylan has always been the ladies man in the Buchanan family and Kate has on more than one occasion gave him hell for all those girls that keeps calling in the Buchanan home for Dylan whenever she is there for the weekend. They took to bed quickly early on in the story but Kate took Dylan by surprise when she left town the next day without so much of a good bye after a night of passion. Now Dylan is in town and is not going anywhere till they catch the culprit that is trying to get rid of Kate when later on they discovered that Kate suddenly inherited millions worth of money and estate from a great grand uncle whom she never knew. Now they understand that someone have millions reasons worth of dollars to kill Kate. I had my hunches of who were the mastermind behind the explosives, it was usually the ones who are trying not to be obvious and the ones who are maybe being too helpful with the investigation. There were quite a lot of suspects especially Kate's repulsive, vile, obnoxious and creepy cousins who made it clear that they are in it for the money.Poor Kate has been prone to crying for quite a number of times here due to stress from this and then there is the matter of weasel accountants that were trying to steal her company out of her nose. Oh but i love love that scene before the epilogue when Kate was trying to say good bye to Dylan thinking that he is leaving back to Boston now that her case was solved. Cheerios were flying everywhere so to speak and Dylan was just amused that she is trying to comprehend at that moment that he is telling her that he loves her and then he proposed! Noah Clayborne was being mentioned here again but he did not make an appearance though. Over all another engaging installment.

Ambitious entrepreneur Kate Mackenna’s life was mundane, a dutiful daughter who remained close to her mother until her death. Ready to take on new challenges, Kate was planning to move and expand her business when the unthinkable happened; an explosion almost ended her life. One explosion may be an accident but two explosions and attempted hit-and-run can only be one thing, someone wanted her dead…why? Fearing Kate was in danger, childhood friend Jordan sent her police detective brother Dylan Buchanan to help Kate. A familiar face would be a comfort to Kate, with Dylan on the scene what could possibly go wrong. This charming, romantic story had an easy flowing style with its short chapters, good pace and believable characters. Moving the story along with dialogue that was light in substance kept the story from becoming heavy and dark in tone. Characters were distinguished from good or bad by their personalities, upbringings and ambitions. The MacKenna family lines were presented with glaring differences either as overindulgence or struggling. A believable view in the value of hard work verses idle hands, cohesiveness verses separatism of siblings, achievements in parenting, successes of children and their likeability factor with others were presented in the story. “Slow Burn” was simplistic yet thoroughly a pleasure to read, contrasting lives promoted life is what you make of it and the effort put into it rewards or harms oneself in unexpected ways. I rated this book 3.75 of 5 stars, partial stars were unavailable.

Do You like book Slow Burn (2006)?

I wouldn't call it electrifying or pulse-pounding, but I'd call it a pretty good romantic-suspense novel. We find out at the beginning of the book that Kate McKenna is about to inherit a lot of money from her long, lost uncle. Before she ever knows about it, she's being targeted and her life is in danger. Which is how she ends up with Dylan Buchanan for a body guard - her best friend Jordan's older brother. They have a history, since Kate went to college in Boston and stayed with the family freq

2015 Reading Challenge: #09 Libro escrito por una mujerCreo que cualquiera que me lea sabe lo mucho que me gustan las historias de dos personas que se conocen de toda la vida y se enamoran. Este es el clásico enamorada del hermano de mi mejor amiga o más tierno aún enamorado de la mejor amiga de mi hermana.Es una lectura breve, sin muchos sobresaltos, el más flojo de la serie arriesgaría, pero hizo pasar un buen rato y me sacó de la amargura del último. Acá no hay un desarrollo bueno del romance, ni de la trama, ni siquiera de la intriga que vendría a ser su punto fuerte en esta serie. Tenemos personajes como las hermanas de Kate que nada aportan, o Jordan que poco me emociona. Me gusta Dylan y me hubiera encantado que esta historia hubiera dado un giro diferente. Porque parecen tan tiernos cuando se relajan pero son tan breves estos momentos que podrían reducirlos a... uno.Está buena para salir del paso y me acerca más a Noah Clayborne ♥ (aunque aquí no le he visto el pelo, pero creo que sí a su pareja, grr)
—Laura V.

Have you ever felt frustrated! Life not going your way? Have I got a story for you! In Slow Burn the fifth novel in the Buchanan series we Kate MacKenna and her sisters.Synopsis: It all started with the wonder bra! Kate was on her way to an exhibit when an explosion occurs. She wakes to find paramedics and policemen looking her over. Kate brushes off the explosion as nothing more than bad luck. She starts to put it behind her when asked to come to Boston by her friend Jordan Buchanan. Kate meets up again with the Buchanan family who she knows well, and one in particular brother Dylan Buchanan. After one night together she leave quickly but her luck doesn’t change. Who is out to harm Kate? Will she and Dylan hook up?My Thoughts:If you are excitedly waiting for Julie’s next novel. Then I suggest you either revisit Slow Burn or read it for the first. I happened to be able to listen to the audiobook this time around. I have listened to others on audio that are by Julie Garwood and this one is the best! I thought the reader did a great job!Ms. Garwood tells stories with much humor and wonderful plot. She employs a form irony which pokes fun at her characters which creates an entertaining read. One side note if you have followed her other novels then you will know that they relate back to one another.

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