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The Dark God's Bride (2000)

The Dark God's Bride (2000)

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3.81 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book The Dark God's Bride (2000)

I Really like Amaras spunk. This novel throws you right into the action with out any preamble. I was immediately immersed in the story and laughing at Amara and the way she handled the God with out much fear for herself. I was however disappointed in the ending. This novel could have had a few hundred pages more to get to a satisfying ending. Instead it just ended in the middle of the story. though it is a trilogy, this made absolutely no sense. There was no solution to any problem in the story. I was very disappointed in it. its not a cliff hanger, it just ends. I would suggest merging the next novel with this one to make the story arc complete Pročitala sam mnogo gluposti u svom životu i trenutno ne mogu da se setim ni jedne knjige koja je gora od ove...Zanemariću upotrebu Present Perfect vremena- jedino što ovde vredi je ideja i to je to. Stil? Hvata me muka...Likovi? Jednodimenzionalne replike nekih boljih romana...Ritam? E sećate se onoga pre ovoga? E to nije tako nego je desno... otprilike ovako nekako...Ne znam odakle mi snaga da je zapravo pročitam celu...verovatno zato da bih imala pravo da he ispljujem kako dolikuje...drugi deo neću pročitati ni pod pretnjom smrti...Da se razumemo- lako je kritikovati i ne volim to da radim, ali ovolika količina (ne znam ni kako da je nazovem) je zaista previše i vređa inteligenciju...

Do You like book The Dark God's Bride (2000)?

DNF. Just can't get into this. Reads a bit stupidly and tries too hard to be funny when it's not.

Started out good, but then went to hell. The humor didn't get to me, either.

good, couldn't put it down. just want to finish the entire series!

leav a alone


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