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The Mount Rushmore Calamity (2009)

The Mount Rushmore Calamity (2009)

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3.79 of 5 Votes: 5
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0061429902 (ISBN13: 9780061429903)

About book The Mount Rushmore Calamity (2009)

37 months - this was the first Flat Stanley book we've read. I picked it out because we were on a trip to Mount Rushmore and I thought it would be a fun way for O to connect with what we were going to see and maybe learn something about the area, the monument etc. I was disappointed as there really wasn't much in the way of history or geography facts within the story. The story was ok and if nothing else O at least has a better idea of who Flat Stanley is for the next time we take one on an adventure. Our last trip to Canada we took a friend's Flat Stanley with us, documented his trip and then sent him off in an envelope to the next person. :) I liked this book because I like adventure books. When I saw this book I immediately read this book. I literally grabbed this book went to my room and started to read it. I also read this book because I usually don't go on vacations so I read this book because it looked interesting.I gave this book 5 stars because I like reading Adventure books so this book looked interesting to me. This book is also a series and i liked reading those as well. If I had to choose a favorite book of the flat stanley series it would be this one. These are all reasons on why i liked this book.

Do You like book The Mount Rushmore Calamity (2009)?

This was way too cheesy, and I usually enjoy some cheese in my children’s books.

For a kid's book, it was fairly entertaining! Yes, I read it with my kids!

This is an easy reading book. I think a 3rd or 4th grader would enjoy it.

I liked the gold part. But it was kinda boring.

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