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What Price Love? (2007)

What Price Love? (2007)

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0060840854 (ISBN13: 9780060840853)

About book What Price Love? (2007)

Cynster time again! I liked this one decently enough. Not a favorite in the series, but I didn't dislike it. Was the odd man out in the group this month I guess. Sure, Pris got a bit annoying with her self-assurance in her looks, and the way the author kept rubbing it in our faces that she was so amazingly, inconceivably gorgeous got old after the first chapter or two, but in a Cynster world full of stunningly beautiful people, I have to say I'm kinda used to too many overly attractive people. So while it was slightly annoying, it wasn't a deal breaker. Dillon was cut straight from the Cynster cloth, so nothing new in terms of the hero either. He was so Cynster-ish I had to keep reminding myself that he wasn't a Cynster by blood. Was kind of hoping for a more refreshing change of pace hero-wise, but if I haven't realized by now that SL has a certain hero-mold she uses constantly, I prolly never will, lol. What I liked was seeing familiar characters from previous books, and the focus on the horse racing world. Yea, I still had to put up with more balls and soirees, and the subsequent sneaking away for naughty times by our couple, than I was hoping for, but oh well. Again, guess it's to be expected. What's a ball in the Cynster world if our couple doesn't slip away to get buck-naked in other people's houses? /sarcasmI didn't hate it though. I thought the mystery was solved a little too quickly, all the work and build-up to find Rus, and figure out the scam, and then the tense moments, the switch, the race, the calling out of the perpretrators... all that was handled by the halfway point in the book, and I was left feeling like... ok, what now? Then it was slow-going while Dillon and Pris have their misunderstandings and failures to communicate, a trip to London, more balls and sex at balls, some dancing, some more sex, and then finally, towards the end the villain behind the scam comes out of the woodwork for a hasty attempt at revenge that is taken care of super-quick. Then the HEA. It was alright. Not thrilling, but alright. A nice, predictable addition to the series. Still continuing on though! Counting Barnaby's book, we've only got 5 more in the series to read before we're done (at least til the next Barnaby book comes out next year). I'm actually starting to feel a little sad that the end is approaching, something I never would've thought I'd feel back in the early books in the series.

Well that wasn't great and not up to par with the others.Actually I liked the investigation involving racing scam.I kind of liked the hero Dillon, though he was not among my preffered hero in the hero; he was just playing too much being perfect after having been involved in a scam himself while much younger (cf A rogue's proposal).The main problem was however the heroine who from beginning till end of the book kept encroaching upon my nerves. She's so convinced to be the most exceptional beauty of her time and the most intelligent lady as well, although no one sees that because all the others are just so owerawed by her beauty that they see nothing else. And that's probably the reason why she'll end up a spinster all alone. Well to my honest opinion, it's mostly because she's so conceited that no one can bear her for more than a few minutes.Page 32 "You fear him. Why?" [...] - "I think it's because he's so very handsome-just like me. [...] And just like me, people look no further than his face and figure, and forget that there's a very good brain at work behind the mouthwatering façade."She really acts stupidly, especially in her trying to seduce Dillon to make him divulge secrets. And I really did not like their using sex to try to get what they wanted from the others. I also did not like that sex between them replaced a lot of dialogues but that was the ultimate proof for me that they were much more superficial that what the author tried to say.The worst book in the series so far, to my opinion.

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It has been quite a while since I have read a HR book. I happen to enjoy Stephanie Laurens' books especially her Cynsters series, so i am glad i got a copy of this installment on sale. The title has a similarity with one of Lisa Kleypas' novels as well. Anyways, i enjoyed this one well enough. I became reacquainted with some of the previous characters from the previous books. The main characters Lady Priscilla and Dillon Caxton, however were described as ridiculously attractive people and majority of the ton do not see past their physical beauty and they are rather too cynical about that aspect of their appeal. So we have two stubborn people, both gorgeous and of course were attracted to each other but at the same time recognize something in each other past their outward appearances. I tried to sympathize with their so called dilemma as beautiful people...but i don't. Even the ton thought that hey you too are too damn preteeh and is not fair for us average looking why don't you two take yourself out of the marriage market so that we have more chances of landing ourselves a match. But despite that, there are seriously hot and sensual scenes here...that with the amount of passionate interludes that they have shared, i'm surprised Pris is not yet in the family way. Not really my favorite couple and this story felt long and sometimes dragging in some parts. Not one of S. Laurens best works in my opinion.

I've read and enjoyed other books by Laurens, but I'm struggling to finish this one. The main characters bond over how difficult it is to be really really ridiculously good looking, and their contempt of people who are dazzled by their beauty (except each other, of course), which is incredibly off-putting. They start having sex quite early in the book, without any thought to contraception or discussion of their relationship. Laurens' most irritating writing quirks, repeating herself and using unnecessary sentence fragments to do so-- To explain. To expound. To truly explicate. To thoroughly emphasize.These tendencies are on full display with nothing to distract the reader.I'd recommend going to the early books in the Cynster series. This one has no momentum from plot and features a pair of underdeveloped narcissists.

Gostei muito do livro!!O Preço do Amor nos conta a história de Dillon e Priscilla, dois deuses da beleza que estão acostumados a serem assediados constantemente por sua aparência, em detrimento de seu verdadeiro eu. OS dois são pessoas impetuosas, intimamente livres e quando se encontram percebem logo essa conexão intima.E a história do romance deles é muito boa, a autora, que é super descritiva, nos envolve completamente com os dois. O romance deles é sensual, perigoso e indiscreto, afinal ela é uma lady e ele sendo um cavalheiro super bem quisto na sociedade, então presume-se que eles têm que cumprir um série de regras e normas ditadas pelo ton inglês, mas isso não é algo que eles se importam muito.. huahuahau..O que me faz não dar 5 estrelas para esse livro é o universo do turfe, que é extremamente dessecado pela autora. Claro que é absolutamente compreensível, visto que, o mistério que envolve a trama gira em torno das corridas de cavalo, mas tem horas que enche o saco!Mas depois que o mistério é quase todo revelado, a atenção se volta novamente para o casal, e eu posso até ousar afirmar que valeu a pena aguentar a história do turfe no meio do livro! Nossa, volta e volta com tudo! Após uma tentativa frustrada de pedir Pis em casamento, Dillon vai com tudo para seduzir e liberar a alma rebelde de Pris - só pra ele é claro - e essa parte do livro é ótima!!Eu super recomendo, Stephanie escreve muito bem, ela nos leva a entrar na mente das suas personagens, perscrutar os seus mais íntimos sentimentos e emoções. E tirando a super descrição do turfe, o mistério da trama é bem legal e envolvente.E como já foi dito em outras resenhas, prepare-se, pois só a primeira noite do casal é quase um capitulo e embora seus outros interlúdios não se estendam mais a 21 páginas, eles continuam sendo muito bem descritos, sexies, quentes e sem ser vulgar em momento algum!Boa leitura (:

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