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Gina Whitney

Gina Whitney
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Books by Gina Whitney


Saving Abel (2014)

Gina why are you doing this me?????Two people unloved find each other, can fix each other, truly feel love but damnit man it never can be that easy can it? Abel a successful wealthy rock GOD meets Gia not really by chance. They connect on a level that neither thought they would ever want or have...

Saving Abel (2014) by Gina Whitney

Forgiving Gia (2014)

Saving Abel took me off guard. I had expected it to be a good book, but I never in a million years expected it to crawl under my skin the way it did. It stayed with me for days. By book’s end Abel and Gia were living, breathing people that I very much wished to know in real life. The sheer au...

Forgiving Gia (2014) by Gina Whitney

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