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Books by Maculategiraffe


Bran's Story (2007)

3.5 stars, rounded up. Interesting first book in a series. Alternate universe society where poor children are sold into slavery. Bran, a young slave, is sent to the "slave breakers" because he keeps trying to run away. Without going into and spoiling the plot, this is really a coming of age story...

Bran's Story (2007) by Maculategiraffe

Jesse's Story (2007)

In alot of ways I really didn't feel like this was Jesse's story. It was just a way to get a outside POV on Bran and Holden's relationship. We really didn't get alot on Jesse other than the basics and most of the time was spent with Jesse observing either Bran or Holden or them together. While...

Jesse's Story (2007) by Maculategiraffe

Lee's Story (2008)

Holden and his wife operate as slave breakers, rescuing and retraining damaged sex slaves. Living with them already are four slaves, a girl belonging to his wife, and three males belong to Holden. Holden loves his slaves, and especially the young Bran who has been with him for just a few years, a...

Lee's Story (2008) by Maculategiraffe

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