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Sarah Ann Walker

Sarah Ann Walker
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.18

Books by Sarah Ann Walker


I Am Her... (2012)

4,5 stars.I really don't like the ending. It was so sudden, like, "Oops hello I think my time is up, that's okay" and I'm not really okay with that!Review:The writing: Rushed. But Thanks to the storyline, it was okay. (3,5 stars)The character: I loved Suzanne, she was kinda a hero for me. She was...

I Am Her... (2012) by Sarah Ann Walker

My Dear Stranger (2014)

Sarah did it again. Wow what an amazing author. Great read. Left me scathing my head many times and than POW it all comes to life. This book as her others is a mind blower. Great job Sarah please oh please keep it up I can't wait for the next one. Such a wonderful and amazing read. Sarah's books ...

My Dear Stranger (2014) by Sarah Ann Walker

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