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Series: Wall Of Night

by Author Helen Lowe


The Heir of Night (2010)

So I picked this up thinking it looked interestingThen I started to read it and became rather disinterested. It reads like a poor copy (very very derivative) of P.C.Hodgell's Kencyrath novels. Even the name of the Priest (who is shunned for his magical abilities) starts with the same letter, Kind...

The Heir of Night (2010) by Helen Lowe

Kind van de Nacht (2011)

I read this book at the beginning of the year and whilst I wanted to enjoy it and support an emerging talent in the fantasy world, I actually only finished reading it because I don't like to leave the end of a story unread. It had a number of things I hate in fantasy books (need I mention the rea...

Kind van de Nacht (2011) by Helen Lowe