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Walking Dead Volume 12: Life Among Them (2000)

Walking dead volume 12: Life Among Them (2000)

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About book Walking Dead Volume 12: Life Among Them (2000)

The series takes an interesting twist as the mysterious man our heroes were being trailed by turns out to be a scout for a community that has pulled together for the betterment of all. As you can imagine, Rick and the gang are pretty cautious after past experiences with such communities turned so horribly bad. With that said, our heroes are wooed into the community, taking on various roles, such as sheriff, scout, and teacher. The only thing they seem to have to be willing to do (other than work) is hand over their weapons for storage in the armory rather than carrying them on their persons all the time. It is not an easy decision, but it is one that is required if they want to say.After only a few days, the new community starts to feel like a utopia, but Rick and the others can't help but feel like there is something underneath, particularly once the community's leader starts to take a very personal interest in Andrea even though he is married. As a result, they start taking the time to investigate what is really going on.I really liked this volume a lot. It was interesting, and it definitely is moving the storytelling along in a way that is able to help keep things fresh. It would b nice to start seeing things look up again for a while.Now, I just ahve to wait for the next volume in the series. OMG! This was an epic volume. This is volume twelve of The Walking Dead series. While on their way to Washington D.C. the group discover that Eugene had been lying all this time about what there was in Washington. The group has no idea what to do, they come to a situation where they have nothing to work for, that is until a stranger comes to their camp. His name is Aaron at first he seems too friendly but he tells them that there is a community that they are all welcome to stay at and live for as long as they want. Is this too good to be true!?This volume is epic the reason being is that we have a brand new environment and a hell of a lot of new characters. I like the way they introduce it and I like it how the introduction was so different from Woodbury and the Prison. What I also love in this volume is that every character has to adapt to this new environment.The characters in this where epic. The main character Rick played an amazing part in this volume. It's odd because at this stage in the series a character like Rick would normally get boring but not him. His character has so many twist and turns. Then we have Carl who I think is just a great character. This volume is one of his best volumes yet in the whole of the series. I loved his bond at the beginning of the volume with his dad Rick. It was the first time we connected to both of them in a very long time! The majority of the characters where good but didn't do much for me these where: Morgan, Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Sophia and Gabriel. I loved Andrea in this volume because her character just keeps on developing and I really do love her character. I also love her relationship with Rick and think there is so much potential for her character. Finally we have Michonne, although she wasn't a major character throughout the volume she did play one of the key characters. Her character has to adapt the most. She's been to in the world, killing zombies for fun but now she's got to change to a normal person and give up her badass side to her character.In this volume we where introduced to a lot of a new characters but mainly we where introduced to some key and main newcomers. The first is the leader of the new community his name is Douglas Monroe. I really like his character because at the moment in time we haven't seen any sad or angry side to him but only nice! Then we have Aaron and Eric who are very intriguing characters. I really like these two characters because their risking their lives every single day jugs to go out and get new groups! I think we are going to see a lot with these two characters. I loved this volume and I can't wait to continue even further down the line! This volume had so much in it, it had the action part of it and it had the storyline part of it. It was ace this volume and it was so fast paced!

Do You like book Walking Dead Volume 12: Life Among Them (2000)?

Reprints The Walking Dead #67-72 (November- 2009-May 2010). The survivors are at their lowest point as they approach Washington, D. C. with little food and no plans for what to do. When they are contacted by another group of survivors who have established a protected town outside of Washington, D. C., Rick and his survivors realize they might have a chance at a new life. With failings in the past, Rick finds himself cautious…what could the leader of town Congressman Douglas Monroe be hiding.Written by Robert Kirkman and illustrated Charlie Adlard, The Walking Dead 12: Life Among Them continues the popular zombie story which has crossed over to television. The volume follows The Walking Dead 11: Fear the Hunters and like all issues of The Walking Dead is presented in black-and-white.The Walking Dead continues to evolve and change. While the last few volumes showed the survivors at their lowest point. Lauri’s died, Dale died, Rick is crazy, and Carl is now a killer…it doesn’t look good for the group. In The Walking Dead 11: Fear the Hunters, the group picked up Father Gabriel, but also ended up tearing-up and mutilating the cannibals they encountered.Here, the twist in the story is that Rick and his group have become the aggressors. The community appears to be good, but Rick and many of the others cannot live in a normal society anymore. The characters now second guess the actions of everyone and even Carl can’t fit in. Action that previously would have gotten people kicked out of Rick’s group, now have become common place for Rick and the others.The next thing is the fun paranoia that has been raised by Kirkman within this series. At this point, I suspect the community and what it could be hiding though nothing is wrong on the surface. It is a pretty solid testament to the story developed by Kirkman to be able to side with murders, and make you think a little like them.This is one of the better volumes of The Walking Dead not in that a lot happens, but it is more of a science-fiction approach to the zombie story. The story questions what would happen to characters after prolonged exposure to daily horrors. It feels like the beginning of a new storyline that possibly could redeem some of the characters that no longer feel redeemable…but this might be a bit slow for some of the readers who want more action. The Walking Dead 12: Life Among Them is followed by The Walking Dead 13: Too Far Gone.

Det börjar bli ont om mat och gruppen ger sig in i småstäder för att hitta mer. Plötsligt träffar de på en man, som påstår sig vara från ett säkrat område lite utanför Washington DC, och han vill att de ska följa med dit. Går han att lita på eller är det som Woodbury?Det här var en mycket lugnare del i serien, det är inte överdrivet mycket action och dödande. Däremot är det intressant att se hur människorna har vant sig vid livet ute på vägarna och hur fästa de har blivit vid varandra. När de sedan hamnar inom ett skyddat område kan de inte tro att det ska hålla särskilt länge utan går bara och väntar på att något hemskt ska hända.

C'est dingue comme la normalité peut être stressante en fait.

Finally! A story-line that is interesting and enjoyable!

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